
High Feed Radius Mill

1.Pocket Stability

2.Insert Options

Insert Options - 3 geometries & 5 insert grades cover various applications.

3.Cutter body assortment

Line up includes:
  • Inch and metric shell mill coupling.
  • Additional insert clamps are available for corse pitch cutters when extreme rigidity is needed.
  • Multiple pitch options including a variable pitch design to reduce vibration.


  1. Max feed per tooth: fz = .079 IPT (2.0mm/tooth)
    It is necessary to adjust the feed rate according to machining situation
  2. For best milling performance, recommend max cutting depth ap=.047 inch (1.2mm)
  3. Number of corners: 4 corners (single-side)
    Economical multi-corner
  4. Advantages of single sided inserts compared to double sided inserts.
    1) Large chip pocket for chip evacuation
    2) Optimized rake angle reduces chip jamming
    3) Higher clamping security than a sided insert.
    4) All corners can be fully used up
    5) Large ramping angle

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